
Get more than +$100 online every month without working fast and easy

Well, what is AnuntioMatic? It's a marketing company. It publishes adds, and it has an online shop aswell. It started like 3 months ago in Spain, and now it works in many more countries, and it expands everyday.

How do I get paid? Okay, here is the hardest part: you must reach 10.000 Points (BonoMatics) at least. And how do you earn them? Publishing adds is the easiest way. AnuntioMatic writes adds, and you publish them. Being a free member (and no, you don't have to invest money before receiving it) gives you 0,72 BonoMatics per add, and you can publish two adds at the same time. While they get 1 minutes to get published, and you can publish two at the same time, it goes 86,4 BonoMatics/hour. Yes, many hours. BUT, here is the point: once you reach 10.000 BonoMatics, you keep them and you will be paid for them every month even you don't click any ads. From here, you'll just receive more and more money
The value of bonomatic (point) on May 2014 is 0.009$  So  10000 Points = $90
The value of bonomatic on June 2014 is 0.007$            
 So  10000 Points = $70


Anuntiomatic. Nuevo descubrimiento

Hace unos días, y gracias al compañero Hibay, descubrí la web Anuntiomatic, otra forma de ganar dinero, que te paga por publicar anuncios.


Cómo os comenté en el anterior post, he descubierto Anuntiomatic y he decidido trabajar en ello.

Al principio la web puede ser poco intuitiva, y la forma de ganar Bonomatics (que es digamos los puntos por los que luego nos darán nuestro dinero), puede ser confusa. Así, hay diferentes formas de ganarlos, y en esta entrada vamos a ver la más sencilla, y la base de la web: publicar anuncios pre-redactados. Es importante comenzar por aquí, para ir descubriendo como funciona la web y cual es el motor que la mueve: la publicación de anuncios en sus tablones (blogs).


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